Nimrod Products

Stag Pipe Lighters

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The name and manufacturer of these unbranded pipe lighters was shared by Scott Beehler in a back issue of the OTLS newsletter. Not a Nimrod product in name, Stag Pipe Lighters were manufactured by Ashley F. Ward, Inc. and produced in the same factory as Nimrod Pipeliters.

U.S. Utility Patent - 1946

Ashley F. Ward, 1946/1947

Stag Pipe Lighter

solid construction version

Stag Pipe Lighters

production variations compared

Stag Pipe Lighters

with snuffers open

Stag Pipe Lighters

flint housing compared

Stag Pipe Lighters

production variations compared

Stag Pipe Lighters

production variations compared

Stag Pipe Lighters

production variations compared

Stag Pipe Lighters

fuel screws compared

Stag Pipe Lighter

retail display board

Stag Pipe Lighter


Stag Pipe Lighter

compared with Nimrod