Barnett Pearlman & Co. Ltd.

London, England (GRB)

return to British brand & manufacturer index

London based manufacturer and importer of SuperSnap and Polo brand lighters. Active from 1932-1952 per 'Le Briquet Automatique'.

Assorted Documents

advertising, photos, patents, etc.

Polo Allumatic Lighter

full automatic pocket lighters

Polo "242" Winguard

manual pocket lighters

Polo Automatic Lighters

full automatic pocket, table & cigarette case models

Polo Big Ben

manual pocket lighters

Polo Single Bar Lift Arms

manual pocket & table lighters

Polo Swift Action Lighters

lift arm pocket & table models

Polo Lift Arm UL

manual pocket lighters

Polo Victory UL

manual pocket lighters

Super Snap

made in Germany

Super Snap

semi-automatic pocket & cigarette case lighters

Super Snap

made in Germany